PreMARITAL Agreements in Oregon

To many newly engaged couples, the idea of a premarital agreement is unnecessary and, in many ways, disconcerting or stressful. While no one wants to think about the possibility of future disputes over money, premarital agreements are widely recommended by the legal community and judges alike. Not every couple needs a prenuptial agreement, but every couple could benefit from having such an agreement.

Premarital agreements can help mitigate a wide range of potential disputes in the future in various ways, including:

  • Protecting the financial rights of children from previous marriages

  • Preserving assets that would otherwise become part of the marital estate

  • Protecting business partners or shareholders in the event of a divorce

  • Outlining differences between status of premarital assets vs. post-marital assets

  • Defining limits to the amount and duration of alimony in the event of divorce

A postnuptial agreement an agreement after marriage. They can be extremely helpful in preemptively resolving disputes in some specific cases. The most common reason for drafting is a change in economic circumstances, such as:

  • A sudden inheritance by one of the spouses

  • Starting a new business

  • Sudden changes in an investment